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Filed Bills

Kendal Sacchieri
Kendal at the podium in front of the Oklahoma Capitol building for the Bible Reading Marathon
Me at the OKC Gun Club Women on Target event.jpg

Making anyone who locks a firearm in their vehicle on school property, legal. It is time to get back our 2nd amendment rights.

Prohibiting state agencies from contracting with lobbyists or hiring legislative liaisons –our taxdollars have better things to fund.

Will allow for appeal if DHS lowers a star rating at a childcare facility, it can go to Court for a Judge to rule on. Currently DHS oversees its own appeals.

Tax credit for married couples. Did you know in the State of Oklahoma, married couples are punished when it comes to tax filing?

Upping an antiquated income limit to qualify for property tax relief. Taking the qualifying amount of gross household income from $12,000 to $40K

Modifying continuing education requirements for Childcare employment, easing up annual restrictions

Prohibiting intentional injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus in this state; repealing the Oklahoma Weather Modification Act. Stopping “Chemtrails” that are polluting our environment

Creates a used powersports vehicle dealers license – constituent request that currently cannot sell used powersports vehicles since no licensure available 

Requiring previous school district to provide attestation to hiring school of employee being terminated for inappropriate behavior with a student. Failure to report and previous school would be held liable also in any lawsuit judgement. Too often “Trash” is being passed around school districts and said employees are preying on our students without anyone stopping it.

Altering the Bond transparency act, to include series bonds that schools love to issue. Currently, our transparency act does not cover these. This helps taxpayers better understand what will affect their property taxes

Lowering the qualifying age for a double homestead exemption on property taxes, from 65 to 60 and upping the qualifying amount of gross household income to $40,000. This will help those on very fixed and low incomes.

Allowing state employees to opt out of participation in their state retirement plan without penalty. I can investment my own money better than the Government can. Plus doing a small part to save the taxpayer money and fund one less retirement.

Requiring a disclaimer on every ballot that goes to a vote of the people to state “This Is A Tax Increase”.  These proposals are sold to the voters as “FREE” and that is never the case. I want to see the taxpayers take power into their own hands when it comes to their tax dollars.

This bill will ensure that sinking funds (bond debt) is paid off the way it was originally intended. To decrease annually and eventually pay off. Anymore, taxing jurisdictions like to keep the debt high so you never see your taxes go down, making it easier to pass more bond and debt over the years.

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